Semantic UI

06 Oct 2016

Websites made with ease

The past week working with Semantic UI has been a blast. Upon seeing websites made using it I was honestly in love. The design was simple, slick, and modern. In comparison to raw HTML and CSS it was pretty obvious that Semantic UI saves its users so much time.

Just type what you want!

The code is predictable.. which in my opinion is immensely helpful! Once you start getting the hang of how to manipulate the Semantic UI elements, modules, and such, you’ll find yourself discovering out different widgets that you’ve yet searched for in their library. The possibilities were literally endless, since you could keep tacking on different attributes to whatever you wanted.

Final thoughts

Before I say anything else can we agree that their website is amazing? Honestly though, if their site looked like a prehistoric webpage, I don’t think Semantic UI would’ve be fun to learn at all. The way it looks makes you feel invited, calm, AND you don’t feel overwhelmed even though there is a ton of content! I think I went through every possible link just to appreciate the site’s design.

Overall, learning Semantic UI was straightforward and easy. Recreating existing sites (like the one above) using it inspired me and gave me ideas for my own websites. When I finish one, I’ll be sure to share it here!