Questions Done Right

08 Sep 2016

Questions Done Right

Programmers always have questions. Knowing how to ask one the “smart way” is a must-have skill and yields better results than asking one the “not so smart way”.

So what constitutes the “smart way”?

Well, lets take this question posted to Stack Overflow as an example of “The Smart Way”.

What makes that a smart question you ask? Well..

As you can see, the user has already done his part trying to solve the problem. It’s also obvious that he has put a lot of effort into making sure his post follows the forum’s guidelines, etiquette, and formatting. Because of that, he has been rewarded with many replies, ways to improve his code, upvotes, and even favorites! The community loves his post.

How to avoid the latter

Now lets take a look at what NOT to do. Ladies and gentleman, this is “The Not So Smart Way”.

What went wrong..

Because this user asked a question “The Not So Smart Way”, he was critized by the forums users and was not given any help as to how to solve his problem. No one wants to help someone who hasn’t put much effort into their own work, especially people who just ask for the answer.

What we should take from this

We must always remember to try everything we can in our power to solve a problem before asking others. If it comes to the point where you need to ask for help, make sure to..

Follow these and you’ll be right on your way to master asking questions “The Smart Way”!